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In January 1973 we rented a 1000 sq foot shop, put in a sewing machine and a cutting/assembly table and tried to decide what to make. Our first product was a gaitor to keep snow out of boots. A distributor, EIGER MOUNTAIN SPORTS ordered 1000.
Then the same distributor wanted backpacks to replace their imported line. Greg designed a collection and we showed the distributor. By then he was receiving shipments from the European manufacturer MILET so did not what ours. Greg showed them to a local mountaineering store, WEST RIDGE and the owner, Don Lauria ordered a few. We were in the backpack business.

1974 catalog
This catalog was made for us for free, but we never liked it
Click on the cover to see the entire catalog
First Pack Catalog
1974 Official Catalog
So we did another catalog for 1974. This wasn't free but was a super was designed by Chet Collom, Laurie's dad.
1975 Pack Catalogs
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